3 Customer Service Phrases to Use

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Working in customer service is difficult because you are constantly trying to figure out how to best approach your customers and give them what they need. It is tricky since every customer is different, and even the same customer might react differently based solely on their mood. So how are you supposed to improve? Try to use phrases that customers want to hear and don’t seem to be getting as much these days.

1. Thank you

With the internet making buying and selling so easy, it is important that you recognize that it is a big deal if they choose you over the competition. It may seem silly, but actually hearing the words “thank you” from a business means a lot to customers. If you don’t believe me, spend a day thanking anyone and everyone you see from the waiter at the restaurant to the doorman in your building.

Even if it is obvious that you are grateful a customer shopped with your company, literally hearing or seeing it makes a big difference. Some businesses like using text marketing to thank their customers by offering a loyal customer discount or to send a thank you after individual transactions. If customers have a good experience the first go around, they more likely to be forgiving if they have any problems later.

2. I’m sorry

The old saying used to be that the customer is always right. It’s a bit outdated, but even if the customer is wrong, it is your job to ensure they are happy by the time they are done with your interaction. Oddly enough, most businesses choose the path of explaining why what they did was right instead of choosing to apologize for the fiasco. Such as in the case of United with their recent troubles where they apologized for having to “re-accommodate” passengers but not actually for hurting one of their passengers.

When a customer calls in to customer service to complain about something that went wrong, the immediate reaction should be to listen to their complaint fully and then immediately apologize that things went wrong before trying to find a solution.

3. I’m listening

Another phrase to use more in your customer service interactions is “I’m listening” or “I hear you.” Someone who is already frustrated with your company doesn’t really care what you have to say about the situation. 9 times out of 10, they really just want to vent their complaint. Start every interaction by listening to them vent their complaint, and then repeat it back to them to ensure you really have an understanding of what is going wrong.

Another way to show your customers that you are listening is to make sure you pay attention when they fill out surveys or complain about your business on social media. Address these concerns immediately. If customers complain but don’t think you are listening, it might intensify their frustration. Simply letting them know you are listening and have heard what they had to say can go a long way in repairing customer relationships.

Mobile Technology News brought to you by biztexter.com

Source: huffingtonpost.com/entry/im-sorrythe-two-tragically-forgotten-words-in-


Financial service customer service tips


In the financial service industry, customer service is just as important, if not more so, as any other company. Customers really want to have the best service all the time, but it is especially important to them when it comes to dealing with their money. Yet, it seems as if banks and credit unions have some of the worst customer service out there. Here are some ways to really boost your customer service.

Multiple ways of communication

Many financial institutions still require that a customer come in or call in to get any information or support. And while it is good to have those options available, it is pretty annoying to customers who would often prefer to contact your business through other means. While some methods won’t be possible when discussing secure information, they are definitely good options when you are answering quick and easy questions.

  • Text customer service where they can text in repetitive questions such as daily hours. Many banks close on weekends, but some are open limited hours. It would be nice for a customer to be able to text and ask what the hours are for the day and get a fast, direct answer. Text customer service is really an awesome way of communication. Better yet, add AI Chatbot, so customers can get immediate automated responses.
  • Social media engagement where customers are able to message customer service and post grievances. It is an awesome opportunity to address publicly any concerns people may be having, and it gives you a chance to be in the same place as your customers all the time.
  •   Email customer service where your customers are able to respond to you on their own time. Let your customer contact you in whatever way they feel most comfortable, even if it is through email.
  • Phone calls and in-person are still very important. You can’t give up one type of customer service for another. Your business should be adding additional ways customers can communicate.

Mobile optimization

Customers are spending more and more time on their smartphones, and it means you will quickly be left behind if your business isn’t optimized for mobile. Make an app where customers can view all their information and contact customer service. Your website should work perfectly on mobile even if customers aren’t using your app. All emails and social media ads should look as good on mobile as they do on computers.

Increase Transparency

The best thing you can do to make customer service better is to increase your transparency. Customers prefer to get information on their own instead of always having to talk to someone, so it is better if they can find information on their own. Update your FAQ page regularly with answers to commonly asked questions. Have landing pages that thoroughly describe as much information as possible about the financial services you provide. Make sure you are clear and explain in simple terms instead of using a bunch of legal jargon. Your customers and customer service reps will both appreciate it.

Mobile Technology News brought to you by biztexter.com

Source: thefinancialbrand.com/63705/17-digital-marketing-tips-banks-credit-unions/

Engaging your customers: Best marketing


The internet is a powerful tool for marketing. But it is a double-edged sword because it also makes it easier for all your competition to reach your customers. Everyone is swamping the internet with content and trying to get their brand on top. So how are you, amid all the chaos, supposed to engage your customers?

Interact on social media

The number one way to get new customers and market your business is through social media. Everyone is on social media, whether that means being a part of one network or seven. Having your business on Facebook, for example, is like literally sitting in a mall with all your customers and having a booth open for them.

With that in mind, you will never sell anything if you booth isn’t noticed by passerbys. You have to interact with them and show them your product. The same applies to social media. If you want to get those users to become customers, you have to interact with them and show off your product a bit. Here are some ways to use social media to interact:

  • Videos – Post videos to your page whether you created them or you are just reposting something else related to your business. Video content is getting extremely popular for people who don’t want to read a whole article but still want to know what is going on.
  • Ask Questions – When you ask a question on social media, you are opening it up to all your customers and asking them for their opinion. You will actually have more success using yes or no questions because it encourages people to answer. Often, they will choose to elaborate themselves. It creates a discussion on your page.
  • Giveaways – Customers are always excited to get free products, and they are much more likely to enter a giveaway that is easy. You can partner with other businesses to provide the giveaway and require everyone who enters to like all the pages. Or you can do your own giveaway and ask people to tag their friends to be entered. Even asking for a story and picking a winner will encourage a lot of interaction.
  • Answer questions – If there are questions about your product or service on your page, answering them is important. But you can also choose to make a post yourself with the question and an answer on it, so all your customers can see. This is a good idea when you’ve been having confusion over a new promotion or if you just want to showcase something you thought might benefit your customers. Plus, it makes the customer who asked the question feel very important.
  • Avoid clickbait –  Clickbait is basically anything that requires you to click it to get the full story. Saying things like “She had a flat tire, and you’ll never guess what happened next” as your lead is a way many companies get people to their websites, but it annoys social media users. It is much better to lead with the story, and then expand on it in the blog post.

Text Customer Service

Being able to communicate with your customers via text message is very important to your success. It means your customers can contact you in a way they are comfortable with using. Your customers can easily contact you, and you can send immediate responses back to them. It is useful for simple questions, such as asking what your store hours are for the day. But it is also very useful in customer service inquiries where a customer needs help with a problem but doesn’t have a bunch of extra time to sit and chat on the phone.

Mobile Technology News brought to you by biztexter.com

Source: huffingtonpost.com/gregory-p-demetriou/marketing-trends-and-proj_b_14100712.html

Text Customer Service: Why Not?


Phone calls are becoming more and more outdated as time goes on. Customers don’t like to use the phone to call friends and family, so what makes you think they want to call you? With texting being such a convenient option for communication, and AI Chatbot making it even easier on your business, why haven’t you started offering a text customer service platform? Here are some reasons why you should make the change.

People spend more time texting than on the phone

It seems confusing that people prefer text over phone conversation. Customers spend five times longer every day texting than they do on the phone, and Millennials exchange 67 texts a day on average with others. When talking to someone is so much faster and easier than typing every word through a text, why would people still prefer it?

Well, when you have to call someone, you have to set aside time to talk to them. Businesses are even more difficult to set aside time for because you never know if it is going to take them five minutes to help you or an hour. If you text, however, you can go on with your day while you wait for a response and get other things done. People are too busy to get on the phone, so they prefer texting.

Offering an immediate response

One of the big advantages of texting your customer is that you can use AI Chatbot to send back immediate responses. They don’t have to wait for a customer service agent to review the message and send a response when a machine can do that for you. Customer service departments know they deal with a lot of repetitive questions, and it would save a lot of time if they could have those questions answered by a machine instead of a live person.

Don’t think you will be able to get rid of your customer service team in place of AI CHatbot though. While you will definitely save a lot of time by not having to answer repetitive questions, your other interactions with customers may get more extensive. Research shows the average communication over text for a company is 86 minutes, which means you’ll have to train customer service reps on how to use their time wisely and teach them how to manage more than one text conversation at a time.

Messaging for marketing too

The other advantage to having a texting system set up with your customers is that anyone in the company, potentially, could text your customers. A business focused heavily on sales could allow their salespeople to use texting to stay in contact with customers. Other businesses can use text marketing to send advertisements to their customers on a regular basis. You can even use it as an emergency system where customers are sent texts to notify them of an emergency happening in the area or to your business. Having the ability to communicate with your customers through SMS gives you endless abilities for what you can do.

Mobile Technology News brought to you by biztexter.com

Source: forbes.com/sites/micahsolomon/2017/01/18/heres-how-texting-is-transforming-customer-service-and-customer-support/#107c77ae109e

Why customer service should be a priority


The world is filled with businesses who likely do or sell the same thing or something similar to what you have. The internet makes it possible for people to easily find them too, meaning you can find more people who want what you have and they can find more businesses that do it than just you. While the cost of getting a new customer can be outrageous depending on your marketing, the cost of maintaining customers can be almost nothing if you make sure you always treat them right. The goal of a business should never be to get one time customers but to get customers and keep them for life. And customer service is the place to start.

A tough path with Millennials

Of course, the Internet plays a huge role in this, but it should be noted that Millennials are not a loyal generation. If you are not offering the best product at the best price with the best customer service every single time, they will easily walk away. If you slip on price or quality here or there, as every business is bound to do, having superb customer service will make up for it. They may be able to forgive a little if you give them something in return. It is about treating them like family, and they will treat you like family in return.

More likely to sell with current customers

Getting a new customer to buy your product or service can be very difficult, according to Entrepreneur. The probability is only between 5-20 percent. But the chances of selling to an existing customer is 60-70 percent, meaning you will have much more success with anyone you’ve already sold to than trying to steal customers from someone else. And while you shouldn’t stop trying to get new customers, it is even more important that you continue to provide excellent customer service in order to maintain the ones you currently have.

A crutch to your marketing efforts

If you didn’t already know it, marketing uses customer service as a crutch to get where it is going. Sure, text marketing is a valuable way to reach out to your customers, but offering text customer service capabilities will provide a quality tool that your customers want and need. And that will lead them to telling their friends about your business. There’s no doubt that word of mouth advertising is the best kind you can get, and taking care of your customers through all their needs will lead to more word of mouth than you’ve seen previously.

Fewer problems created

When customer service is being executed properly and efficiently, it is going to mean your company is dealing with fewer problems. Customers feel confident in purchasing knowing that they can always come to you with questions or concerns, and automated texting services allow them to get answers to their questions at any time of day or night. Customers who feel like they are valued and being treated right won’t find problems that don’t exist whereas customers with a bitter taste in their mouth from the service they’ve received may end up creating problems or coming back to you with tiny little problems they wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.

Mobile Technology News brought to you by biztexter.com

Source: entrepreneur.com/article/284799