Why customer service should be a priority


The world is filled with businesses who likely do or sell the same thing or something similar to what you have. The internet makes it possible for people to easily find them too, meaning you can find more people who want what you have and they can find more businesses that do it than just you. While the cost of getting a new customer can be outrageous depending on your marketing, the cost of maintaining customers can be almost nothing if you make sure you always treat them right. The goal of a business should never be to get one time customers but to get customers and keep them for life. And customer service is the place to start.

A tough path with Millennials

Of course, the Internet plays a huge role in this, but it should be noted that Millennials are not a loyal generation. If you are not offering the best product at the best price with the best customer service every single time, they will easily walk away. If you slip on price or quality here or there, as every business is bound to do, having superb customer service will make up for it. They may be able to forgive a little if you give them something in return. It is about treating them like family, and they will treat you like family in return.

More likely to sell with current customers

Getting a new customer to buy your product or service can be very difficult, according to Entrepreneur. The probability is only between 5-20 percent. But the chances of selling to an existing customer is 60-70 percent, meaning you will have much more success with anyone you’ve already sold to than trying to steal customers from someone else. And while you shouldn’t stop trying to get new customers, it is even more important that you continue to provide excellent customer service in order to maintain the ones you currently have.

A crutch to your marketing efforts

If you didn’t already know it, marketing uses customer service as a crutch to get where it is going. Sure, text marketing is a valuable way to reach out to your customers, but offering text customer service capabilities will provide a quality tool that your customers want and need. And that will lead them to telling their friends about your business. There’s no doubt that word of mouth advertising is the best kind you can get, and taking care of your customers through all their needs will lead to more word of mouth than you’ve seen previously.

Fewer problems created

When customer service is being executed properly and efficiently, it is going to mean your company is dealing with fewer problems. Customers feel confident in purchasing knowing that they can always come to you with questions or concerns, and automated texting services allow them to get answers to their questions at any time of day or night. Customers who feel like they are valued and being treated right won’t find problems that don’t exist whereas customers with a bitter taste in their mouth from the service they’ve received may end up creating problems or coming back to you with tiny little problems they wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.

Mobile Technology News brought to you by biztexter.com

Source: entrepreneur.com/article/284799

Why Mobile Optimization is so Important

In a day and age of technology, businesses have had to adapt their thinking, especially when it comes to marketing to customers. More than likely, you have already taken the time to build a website because every business knows that customers won’t even consider using your business unless you have a website. But one thing we’ve noticed many customers are missing is mobile optimization. It is something you need to focus your efforts on for the new year.

What is Mobile Optimization?

Mobile Optimization is the idea of having your website ready for people who are searching for it on their smartphones. You’ve probably experienced the frustration of going to a website on your smartphone and struggling to navigate it or having it feel super difficult to use. By optimizing your website, you are making it easier for customers who look for your company on their phones to find your site and access it more easily.

According to Forbes, the number of people researching companies on their smartphone has surpassed the number of people looking on their desktops, which means over half your customers will be looking you up on their phones instead of a desktop. On top of that, when you do your call to action in emails, text marketing, social media marketing, and even in print, you will usually be directing your customers to a website they can use. They will be going to your site anytime they want to know more about your company or product. So if your mobile website isn’t as good as or better than your desktop version, you may quickly lose a lot of customers. Not having mobile optimization is one of the biggest mistakes businesses are making in mobile marketing.

Tips for better optimization

Since getting your website optimized is so important to marketing to your customers, you’ll want to take steps to optimize yours. Here are a few tips for better optimization:

1. Navigation: Ensure navigation through your website is as easy as possible with mobile. Test your site on different phones to ensure it navigates the same with all of them.
2. Ease of Checkout: Customers need to be able to easily checkout with their products, or they are less likely to make the purchase. Allow for accounts that remember credit card information or PayPal checkouts to make it easier to checkout without getting up to find their wallet.
3. Content: The content on your site should be easy to read on a phone. Avoid having too much information at once and ensure all information provided is informative. Don’t go off on tangents that aren’t relevant to the topic. Make sure your site zooms in and out easily on all phones for customers trying to read everything.
4. Load Time: Make sure your website loads easily. Your customers may be searching your site off mobile data, which can cut in and out easily depending on the carrier. If your site takes longer to load than a couple of seconds, customers won’t stick around to see what is happening. Make sure you can load data as quickly as possible if you want to keep your customers close at hand.

Mobile Technology News brought to you by biztexter.com

Source: forbes.com/sites/ajagrawal/2016/12/02/5-common-mistakes-businesses-make-in-mobile-marketing/#7d9aae1c3f2b